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Letter from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit, October 3, 2001

Dr Victor Zammit is a former Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia:


the British media has declared war on Prof. B.D. Josephson. He has committed the greatest "crime" of all, the same as Sir Oliver Lodge, linked so-called paranormal phenomena with subatomic physics. The BBC, the press, all radio and TV outlets have gone berserk, everybody and his dog is being wheeled on to destroy Josephson for daring to tell the truth. No qualified scientists will be allowed to defend what Josephson has said. They brought Randi in because his details are on their computers as the bloke who is an expert on the subject and his ace of trumps - his $1 million offer. Nobody is allowed on any British media outlet to expose this hoax.

There is a very good reason for this. The wrath of public opinion will destroy the religious and scientific establishments throughout the world immediately millions do the same as Josephson - link the "paranormal" with subatomic physics.

This is what Dr. Peter Wadhams and I will be doing on 2nd & 3rd November across all the time zones on the Jeff Rense Programme.


Related material on this site:

The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940)

This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.

Presenting the secular scientific case for survival - E-mail from Jeff Rense to Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson (April 4, 2002)