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Letter from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit, May 1, 2002

The Vatican Takes Its Own Scientific Path

Victor, I really meant the attacks from the enemy within, the Spiritualists who have declared war on Arthur Findlay's secular approach to survival, that's the ones that hurt. Also the ten year attack from Prof. Fontana and other SPR members who are meant to be on our side.

As you so rightly say, we expect, and can easily deal with, the Blackmore type attack. When I went up against her on Cable TV on a one to one basis I totally destroyed her with the work of Crookes, Lodge and Richet. This is why we are kept off mainstream TV.

On the BBC Radio 4 programme last night it all came out. Just confirming everything I already knew - "The Vatican's Scientists" 30th April 2002.

Even the Astronomer Royal, Professor Martin Rees, confirmed that he is part of the Vatican's team of scientists. Just after they murdered Giordano Bruno in 1600 they set up their Science Department in 1603. These clever people knew they had to get on the winning side mighty quick, but their only chance of survival was to set the agenda. This they have done with incredible efficiency. They date everything from 1543, Copernicus, the Roman Catholic priest who said the Earth goes round the Sun. They are of course very careful not to let the public know that Copernicus came across the work of the great Greek scientist Aristarchus 280 BC! The Vatican has now embraced Darwin hook, line and sinker. However, again they are very careful not to mention Alfred Russel Wallace who was the co-author of the Theory of Evolution. He has been written out of our Christian history books because he put forward the secular case for survival after death as a branch of physics - that we are dealing with natural forces in the universe.

All the time orthodox scientists have gone down the wrong path - the Big Bang and Einstein's Theory of Relativity they are no danger whatsoever to the power of the priests. It makes the priests the only alternative, they keep the mystery going and their lucrative monopoly on the vast life after death industry. Prof. Paul Davies came on TV a few weeks back talking incredible tripe about an infinite number of Elvis Presleys all living in an infinite number of universes. As you know he received a million dollars from the Church - The Templeton Prize!

Led by the Jesuit priests the Vatican has declared war on the Christian fundamentalists. They say all the Bible and the Catholic doctrines and dogmas invented at Nicaea in 325 are all mythology. They are just sticking to God, that we have a soul and survive death. They tore into Prof. Richard Dawkins and every scientist in the world who does not start from this base. No wonder Ron Pearson's revolutionary scientific discoveries and our secular case for survival is blocked.

Now we can understand why Rita Goold's life was threatened if she went ahead with Professor Archie Roy's experiments. Six recently deceased people were fully materialising and walking around the room. Now we can understand why the Society for Psychical Research officially censored my Rita Goold reports and Ronald Pearson's mathematical back up for all the materialisation experiments dating from 1874 when Sir William Crookes proved we all possess a soul and survive death.

"To mislead another is a greater crime than murder, for the killing stops with its accomplishment. Whereas to state what is not true is to spread errors that may lead generations astray."

Prof. de Morgan (Mathematics)

Only public opinion is powerful enough to break this tyranny. We are only fighting for a balance, nothing else.


Related material on this site:

Is The SPR Serious About Being Even Handed? - Letter from Ronald Pearson, written in response to Prof. Carr's letter to Psychic News, March 17, 2001

Only the Physics Connection is Censored - Open letter from Michael Roll to Dr. (now Prof.) Peter Wadhams (March, 2001)

The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works.

This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived:

"Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."

Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths:

"One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory by Rory Macquisten

Time to Stand Up and Children must choose their own beliefs - two articles by Richard Dawkins