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Letter from Michael Roll to Peter Wakeham, August 2, 2002


Many thanks for making the effort to spread the word. However, we have to be very selective where we present the secular case for survival. I have turned down a number of invitations from Kilroy. We have already learnt this lesson the hard way.

There is no way we can build our case with one-liners across a crowd of hostile people and especially invited professional wreckers.

A number of times we have gone through this exercise. The microphone is thrust in our face, we say one line and a professional wrecker immediately screams, "What a load of rubbish". The microphone is then thrust in his/her face, his/her name then pops up on the screen, professor this or doctor that, billed as the world's foremost expert on the "paranormal" and it's all over.

When I call for a balance I mean a real balance - the same airtime as the religionists and materialists are being given to present their cases. The same coverage we have been given on the Jeff Rense Programme in America or the local radio broadcasts we have done in the UK. Only James Whale on Talksport has dared to give us coverage on national radio in the UK.

I was allowed to go up against Dr. Susan Blackmore on a one to one basis. She was given 5 minutes to put the case against survival and I was given the same time to put the case for survival. This is a fair balance, but sadly it was only on local TV going out to two blokes and a dog. It's even worse in the press, we are not allowed any coverage whatsoever. The national and provincial press is just as tightly controlled as the scientific magazines. Most of them are owned and controlled by Christians defending their supernatural faith against the scientific proof of survival. The journalists are not corrupt, but their paymasters are.

Chris Robinson and Prof. Gary Schwartz are proving that the so-called paranormal exists. This Kilroy programme about talking to the "dead" would be just the job to present our case if we were allowed to do it as a documentary. We would not stand a chance in the Kilroy set up. It's dead easy to destroy things with one-liners but no good at building a case.

Don't be put off, keep fighting for a balance including on Kilroy. The more people that request a balance the better.


Related material on this site:

The Method of Presenting Survival After Death - an article by Michael Roll

"The Afterlife Experiments" - by Gary Schwartz (2003)

On June 11, 2002, Chris Robinson appeared on The Richard and Judy Show.