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Alan Pemberton: The Science of Eternity

Michael Roll: The Secular (Non-Religious) Case For Survival After Death


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Arthur Findlay: The Curse of Ignorance

Thomas Paine

Ronald Pearson

James Webster

Emma Heathcote-James - "They Walk Among Us"

Gwen Byrne: Russell

David Hodges: Do We Survive Death?

Gary Schwartz: The Afterlife Experiments

Poul Blak: Løft låget - og tænk livet om

Margaret Prentice: Richard, Spirit and I

Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio

David Jenkins: The Calling of a Cuckoo

Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House"

Gerhard Kraus: Has Hawking Erred?

Judith Chisholm: Voices from Paradise

Poul Blak (b. 1944) is a Danish journalist, author, and lecturer:

Dansk "Løft Låget - og tænk livet om" - Poul Blak (2003)

Løft låget...

"Lift the lid - and rethink life"

ISBN 87 7466 415 8 - Bogans Forlag 2003

Note: This book is currently only available in Danish.

fra bogens Forord / From the Foreword:

"Da jeg begyndte at researche mig ind i de metafysiske landskaber var meningen da også, at resultatet skulle blive en artikel - eller en artikelserie.

I den forstand må man gerne kalde indholdet i denne bog for en artikel. En meget, meget lang artikel - på den anden side af det avismæssigt mulige.

For der viste sig nemlig ingen ende at være på alt det om sig gribende spændende, som gjorde krav på at blive fortalt om det, der rører på sig på den anden side af forstillelsernes, fortielsernes og fortrængningernes store, tunge dør.

Tabuer, der som raslende skeletter skamred den såkaldt sunde fornuft derinde i mørket, lod sig kun langsomt lokke ud i dagslyset. Ting og sager, fastslået i skrift og tale igen og igen gennem tiderne, lå pakket bort og gemt væk derinde i de store lagerbygninger med "upassende" oplysninger om vor virkeligheds - herunder vor døds - egentlige natur.

Men hvorfor hævde, at Jorden er flad, når vi ved, at den faktisk er rund?

Og hvorfor kun interessere sig for den stoflige verden, når videnskaben siger, at alverdens energi og ånd har hjemme i den ikke-stoflige verden?"

- Poul Blak

Translation "When I began my research into the metaphysical world, it was my intention to produce an article or a series of articles.

For that reason, the content of this book can be considered to be an article--a very very long one--one that goes beyond the scope of what can be done in a newspaper.

It became apparent that there was no end to the abundance of exciting things demanding to be told of what lies beyond the big heavy doors of imagination, dissimulation, and suppression.

Taboos that, like rattling skeletons, overode so-called common sense in darkness, took some time to be lured into daylight. Things, established again and again in writing and speech through the ages, lay stowed away and hidden in large warehouses with "inappropriate" information about the true nature of our reality - and our death.

But why then claim that the earth is flat when we know perfectly well that it is round?

And why take such an interest only in the material world, when science tells us that universal energy and spirit are at home in the non-material world?"

- Poul Blak

Sagt om bogen / What people are saying about the book:

"Løft låget - og tænk livet om" fik mig virkelig til at spærre både øjnene og sindet op. Og een ting er sikkert: Mit sind bliver aldrig lukket i igen helt som før læsningen.

Dette er en fantastisk, dybdeborende og veldokumenteret bog om livets helt store spørgsmål. Man sidder gang på gang med en oplevelse af, at dét her, dét har man også selv oplevet.

Befriende at læse, at en dygtig journalist tør stille spørgsmålstegn ved den kristne kirkes skråsikre facitliste på alt mellem himmel og jord.

- Fleming Jensen, Ans

Translation Reading "Lift the lid - and rethink life" was a huge eye opener for me. One thing is certain: My mind will never be quite as closed again as it was before.

This is a fantastic, profound, and well-researched book about life's great questions. Again and again, one senses that this is all coming straight out of one's own experience.

It is liberating to read a skilful journalist daring to call into question the Christian church's cocksure answers to everything between heaven and earth.

- Fleming Jensen, Ans

Related material on this site:

Consciousness After Death? - Letter to Michael Roll from the Danish psychologist Prof. Preben Plum (October 12, 1996)

Related material on other sites:

Dansk - The Danish journalist and author Poul Blak