The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

>>...The Suppression of Knowledge (Contents)


The Suppression of Knowledge

That natural law in the universe of cause and effect has started another revolution. A revolution so quiet that as yet hardly anyone is aware of it.

The first breakthrough came in 1981, when the Law Commission recommended that the common law offence of Blasphemous Libel should be abolished. It is because of this law that millions are still kept in ignorance of the past. Until now any criticism of the Christian religion, however true, has been almost completely eliminated from the mass media.

The truth, however much it is suppressed, must eventually surface. Over the years many brave men and women have tried to tell it, but not until now has there been a significant breakthrough. The B.B.C. have allowed a thirteen-part serial called 'Cosmos' to be shown on television. This, together with a best-selling book, has now made clear to millions all over the world, beyond any doubt, that the so-called Establishment have concealed known historical facts from being freely available to the majority of people.

It proves conclusively what modern historians have known for many years, that it was the Christians who were solely responsible for plunging the world into the Dark Ages. Many of the Christian Saints and historical Greats, but thankfully with some notable exceptions, were ignorant, evil, homicidal maniacs: in exactly the same mould as the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, but unfortunately on a gigantic scale and totally successful. Every man, woman and child who dared to challenge any aspect of the new State Religion of the Roman Empire was brutally dealt with. Every library and college of learning was closed and every non-Christian book destroyed, until eventually the Christian priests were the only people able to read and write. Not even our early kings had this privilege. In the land of the ignorant, the man who can read and write is king.

The B.B.C. has also shown a television series called 'The Borgias' (Pope Alexander VI, 1492-1503). Millions of people have been shocked as they watched this terrible story unfold before their eyes. So many imagined the Popes of old to be similar to the kind men that have held office in recent years. If only this were so. Many were much worse than Alexander VI. Pope Innocent Ill (1198-1216) and many others were responsible for the most appalling crimes. These evil men ruled the known world as dictators with the same power as any Roman Emperor.

When Rome fell to the Christian Visigoths (A.D. 410) they did not destroy any churches. They fell at the feet of Pope Innocent I, worshipping him as God's representative on earth. The light of knowledge was extinguished from Christendom. Superstition took the place of the pursuit of knowledge. Ignorance and corruption reigned supreme for a thousand years.

What follows is an attempt to highlight the main points of the research carried out by the modern philosopher Arthur Findlay, who died in 1964.

There is no such thing as the Christian Religion. The whole edifice is a priestly invention. Scholars have failed completely to find one iota of original thought. Every single item was copied from much older religions and philosophies.

At first sight this statement seems outrageous, just as stupid as Copernicus's theory that the sun does not travel round the earth every day. But in history, as in nature, things are very often completely opposite to what they seem.

Guignbert, Professor of History of Christianity at the Sorbonne, Paris, in his work 'Jesus', which he published in 1935, remarks:

"All that can be legitimately sought for in the gospels is the material of the earliest history of Christian dogma, not that of the life of Jesus, of the latter they tell us absolutely nothing. There is not the slightest doubt that Jesus never uttered the discourses attributed to him by the gospels. They are artificial compositions. Even the Sermon on the Mount is no exception to this rule."

If this was the opinion of one man it would hardly be worth quoting, but it is the conclusion of every unbiased researcher who has ever made a deep study of the subject. These men and women have been denied access to the mass media, and this includes the national press, for reasons that are now becoming clear. They have only been able to write books and lecture to small audiences.

Scientists like Carl Sagan are eager to share their knowledge of the treatment that their early pioneers received from the religious, power hungry fanatics. This was made clear on television, and he writes in 'Cosmos':

"The last scientist who worked in the library (of Alexandria) was a mathematician, astronomer, physicist and head of the Neoplatonic school of philosophy. An extraordinary range of accomplishments for any individual in any age. Her name was Hypatia. She was born in Alexandria in 370 A.D, at a time when women had few options and were treated as property.... The growing Christian Church was consolidating its power and attempting to eradicate pagan influence and culture. Hypatia stood at the epicenter of these mighty social forces.
"Cyril, the Archbishop of Alexandria, despised her because of her close friendship with the Roman governor, and because she was a symbol of learning and science, which were largely identified by the early Church with paganism. In great danger, she continued to teach and publish, until, in the year 415, on her way to work she was set upon by a fanatical mob of Cyril's parishioners. They dragged her from her chariot, tore off her clothes, and, armed with abalone shells, flayed her flesh from her bones. Her remains were burned, her works obliterated, her name forgotten. Cyril was made a saint."

This was not an isolated incident but one small part of a vast programme of genocide, skilfully organized and executed, that was to last right up to the nineteenth century.

Pagan means 'country people' because logically the people who lived in the country were the last to be forced to accept the new all-embracing religion. The derogatory term 'paganism' has had the desired effect of making people imagine wild, grovelling, painted savages but then they must include Pythagoras and Eratosthenes, the man who proved the earth was round over one thousand five hundred years before the Renaissance scientists. is it any wonder historians and scientists are getting angry now that they realize how the truth is still withheld from the vast majority of people?

The definition of Pagan in the dictionary is heathen; unenlightened. Hypatia, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil etc. are all classed as unenlightened. This amounts to deliberate deception by the Establishment.

How can educated people, living in the latter half of the twentieth century, believe the incredible, supernatural stories invented by men living two thousand years ago? At the Council of Trent in 1545 it was decided that women had souls, but only by a majority of three votes. If the Renaissance clergy were this stupid, what must they have been like in the first few centuries of the Christian era?

A man called Saul of Tarsus (Saint Paul) said he saw a ghost on the road to Damascus. So what? People are reporting such events every day and are not believed. Why should we believe this man Saul of Tarsus? The people of Tarsus worshipped the saviour-god Dionysus. All Saul did was attribute the myths associated with this god to a non-historical wandering Jewish holy man, called Jeshuah, whom he called Christ. (Jesus is a Greek translation of the common Jewish name Jeshuah).

Arthur Findlay says:

"To confuse Jesus, the Jewish teacher and healer, with Christ, the pagan saviour-god, is a gross historical blunder. Jesus was officially made into a god at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. The second person in a trinity of gods."

Christian and non-Christian historians seem to agree that Saint Paul's epistles are the earliest writings connected with Jesus, but Paul came onto the scene long after the reported death of Jesus. There is no record of anything Paul wrote. The Christian historian Paul Johnson, writing in his book 'A History of Christianity' in 1976 said that many epistles accredited to Paul are acknowledged as fakes.


"Paul insisted he (Jesus) was God: it is the only thing about him which really matters, otherwise the Pauline theology collapses, and with it Christianity."

Jesus and Christ cannot both be worshipped. One or the other must be discarded, as what is attributed to Jesus is flatly contradicted by what is ascribed to Christ. Throughout the entire New Testament run two diametrically opposite opinions.

Christians continue to ignore a man called Jesus, just as Paul did, and worship a theological Christ created by the Christian Church fathers.

Jesus, according to the first chapter in the New Testament, was the son of Joseph. His genealogical descent is given back to David. Christ is a virgin-born god, having no relationship whatever to Joseph.

Jesus was born of a Jewish family, lived a Jew and died a Jew. He never founded a church or a religion. Christ stands for Churchianity, theology, monasteries, convents and cathedrals.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us; we have to work out our own salvation. Christ stands for the shedding of blood, without which there is no remission of sins.

Jesus disdained riches. He lived a life of poverty and great simplicity. Christ represents papal crowns, pomp and ceremony.

To Jesus are attributed the words "Honour thy father and thy mother". Christ is responsible for teaching hatred of one's family. (Luke 14, 26)

Jesus shows his contempt for the priesthood. Then and now, it spreads false doctrines. It is more concerned to defend a hoary tradition than follow the moving light of new insights and understanding. Christ stands for an army of priests and parsons.

Jesus stands for harmony, kindness and the relief of suffering. Christ is responsible for advocating the killing of all unbelievers. (Luke 19, 27)

Jesus stands for the unity of mankind. Christ stands for dissension, conflicting beliefs and sects. These create bigots who are blindly and obstinately devoted to their sect. Northern Ireland stands as a striking example of the hatred between two sects of Christianity. They hate each other because they cannot agree concerning the meaning of the dogma for which Christ stands.

The word Christ has a savage history; it simply means 'the anointed one'. The earlier saviour-gods, connected with ancestor worship, were covered in oil to make them cook and taste better for their followers to eat. It then being the prevailing belief that by eating the sacrificed body, the virtue, the strength or everlasting life of the victim would be transferred to the communicant. The word Christ is cannibalistic in origin. The Eucharist (eating the flesh and drinking the blood) was the principal rite in most ancient pagan religions. This ceremony was known to the Greeks as the Eukharista, and much revered.

Christ is the last of seventeen saviour-gods known to history with many almost identical stories attached to each. Born of virgin mothers, only sons of God, humble birthplace with star above for guiding wise men and shepherds, local king orders the killing of babies, same birthday 25th December (winter solstice; the days lengthen and the sun strengthens).

Killed by angry priests at Easter (spring equinox, time for everything to come alive again). But most important, they were all reported to have been seen by their followers after death: therefore proving that the gods did not eat the spirit of the sacrificed victim. They had conquered death, and all their believers would also have everlasting life.

Belief in a saviour-god is immoral, and has been the cause of untold misery, as it does not matter what diabolical crime is committed; all one has to do to enter heaven is ask your saviour-god's forgiveness and the slate will be wiped clean. This is why it's so easy for fanatical believers in priestcraft to leave bombs in crowded places. Remember, the recent massacre in Beirut was carried out by Christians. In contrast to this the ancient Greek, and our own philosophers, teach that we are accountable for all our thoughts and actions.

"As we sow, so shall we reap."

Of all the moral codes of ethics that run through religions and philosophies, this is by far the most important. It was accredited to Confucius. However, it does not matter who said it first as it only reflects the law of nature. For every cause there is an effect.

Jesus is not a Historical Character

None of the prolific historians of the time mention Jesus. There is no historical record of his birth, life or death. All the tales about him were written by his followers years after he was supposed to have been killed.

The historian PHILO was born in 30 B.C. and died in A.D. 54. He lived in Alexandria and took a great interest in Jewish affairs, contributing over a hundred books on the history of thought of his time.

He was particularly interested in Jewish religious thought, and yet he makes not a single mention of Jesus or any of his followers. This silence of Philo is proof, if such is needed, that the gospel stories are composed mostly of myths and legends, which were evolved at a later date. If they had been history, Philo would have been sure to have referred to Jesus, because what the gospels say Jesus preached would have greatly interested him, and he would have been enthusiastic to have found that the Messiah he was awaiting had actually come to earth.

JOSEPHUS (A.D. 37-105) the historian does not mention Jesus. The only small reference in his book 'Jewish Antiquities' is accepted by scholars as a flagrant interpolation.

JUSTUS OF TABERIAS who was born in Galilee about the time Jesus was supposed to have been crucified. In his two works on the history of the Jews, from the time of Moses to Agrippa II (A.D. 100) makes no mention of Jesus anywhere.

Just because Jesus did not come to the attention of the historians, it does not mean a man by that name did not exist. If we discount the supernatural exaggerations, he did nothing to make himself a historical character.


There are no original documents relating to any part of the New Testament. The four gospels were chosen at the Council of Carthage in A.D. 397. Over eighty others were rejected (See encyclopedia under Apocryphal). Dr. Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury (1716-1737) in his book, 'The Apostolical Fathers' states that there cannot be any doubt that these epistles deliver to us the gospels of Christ and they ought to be received, if not with equal veneration, at least with little less respect than the writings contained in the New Testament.

What qualifications did this handful of priests at Carthage have for making such an important decision? The identities of the writers of the four gospels chosen are unknown. The first gospel, called 'Mark', scholars date about A.D. 90, 'Luke' and 'Matthew' few years later, and 'John', well into the second century.

Professor Harnack, the famous 19th century scholar, discarded the gospel called John, as a late production and unhistorical. Professor Burkitt, Cambridge University, writes in his book 'Jesus Christ, An Historical Outline':

"The contents of the gospel of John do not seem historical at all and I greatly doubt whether we can distinguish often in that gospel what is derived from tradition and what is derived from imagination."

Quote from James H. Baxter, professor of ecclesiastical history at St. Andrew's University, in 'Christianity in the Light of the Modern Knowledge'.

"Upon the popular interpretation and practice of Christianity, the effect of its establishment as the state religion had been profound. If Paganism had been destroyed, it was less through annihilation than through absorption. Almost all that was Pagan was carried over to survive under a Christian name. Deprived of demi-gods and heroes, men easily and half unconsciously invested a local martyr with their attributes, and labelled the local statue with his name, transferring to him the cult and mythology associated with the Pagan Deity. Before the fourth century was over the martyr-cult was universal.... Pagan festivals were renamed, and Christmas Day, the ancient festival of the sun, was transformed into the birthday of Jesus."

Why should this information only be available to a small, elite group of intellectuals? The answer is obvious. Fear! Fear of the wrath and action of the great multitude of humanity when the truth is known. What right has an unelected body of people to set themselves up as self-appointed censors, deciding what we should and should not be told? But the longer the people are deceived, the greater the reaction. This natural law applies to all totalitarian regimes and is not only confined to religion.

In the sixth century the four gospels that were chosen at the Council of Carthage, together with the epistles, became mixed up with the Jewish religion. In the Old Testament there are thirty-nine separate references to the 'sweet savour' or savoury dish, which the priests offered of Jehovah. It is a sacrificial religion. The Vicious God of the Jews now became the God of the Christians. This ancient, unhistorical record of a very savage, stone-age people was also claimed to be the word of God. While in captivity in Egypt the Jews copied the Egyptian belief in the resurrection of the physical body. Those who have had the misfortune to attend a Christian funeral and see the misery of the mourners will bear witness to the effect of this cause. If only the Christians had copied one of the other religions or philosophies that teach our souls are immediately reunited with our loved ones at so-called death, instead of the terrifying prospect of lying in peace and rotting in the earth until an unspecified Judgement day. But alas, the damage was done. Even now people still believe in this nonsense.

I have a letter from an Anglican Lord Bishop actually agreeing with me, that the Christian Funeral Service is hopeless.

I do try and give some comfort to my Christian friends by reminding them that Jesus was reported to have said on the cross:

"This day you will be with me in paradise."

This day, not in a thousand years' time or whenever. I dislike quoting from the Bible because if you accept the good parts, what about the bad, were these not also written by God? In the next few pages are listed a number of these passages. My critics will say that they are taken out of context. This argument can easily be settled by the reader checking each reference.

In April 1987, 'The Sunday Telegraph' published a Gallup Poll showing that 39% believe the New Testament is of divine authority. 34% believe the Old Testament to be divine. One can only imagine what these figures would have been one hundred years ago, bearing in mind that it was compulsory to attend church services in the early nineteenth century. This law, of course, was impossible to enforce after the Industrial Revolution, when hundreds of thousands flocked to the cities. The following passages, surely inserted by evil fanatics, are now acutely embarrassing to the Church and are never quoted. This was not so even a few years ago. These passages were the main weapons of the priests in keeping their flocks in order, through fear. They were also responsible for all the torture and killing. The Christians seriously believed they were carrying out their God's instructions. The curse of ignorance is indeed mankind's greatest enemy.

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and slay them before me." (Luke 19; 27)
"Think not that I have come to send peace on earth:
"I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I have come to set man at variance against his father, and daughter against her mother, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law." (Matthew 10; 34)
"If any man... hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be mine disciple." (Luke 14; 26)
"It is more profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not thy whole body be cast into hell." (Matthew 5; 29)
"Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell." (Matthew 10; 28)
"If thy hand offend thee, cut if off, it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. (Mark 9; 43)
"He that believeth, and is baptised, shall be saved, but he that believeth not, shall be damned." (Mark 16; 16)
"If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha" (everlastingly cursed by God) (I Corinthians 76; 22)

Reading this quotation from the Holy Bible, one can begin to understand why the Spanish were so cruel in America.

"I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." (Psalm 2; 8-9)

Paul copied the following from Paganism, which the writer of the gospel called John copied from Paul, and put into the mouth of Jesus.

"Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." (John 6; 53)
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. (Exodus 22; 18)... and their fate hereafter was Hell." (Gal. 5; 20-21)

So Christians had every reason to believe that in torturing and murdering 'witches' they had the sanction of their God. No other religion has such a terrible record. 1722 Last 'witch' murdered in Britain. 1836 Last 'witch' murdered in Germany.

The following passage helped a great deal in recruiting for the Crusades. It also helped Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) when he introduced the cruel and unnatural Church law of celibacy. Maybe the Moonies could make use of it.

"And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father or mother, or wife or children, or lands for my names sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." (Matthew 19; 29)

This also brought great wealth to the Church, because they promised to look after the knight's soul in heaven, just in case he did not return from the Crusades, so long as his land was left to the Church.

Jesus transfers devils from a man into a herd of pigs.

"Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked." (Luke 8; 33)
"Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children." (Matthew 27;25)

This quotation was the main cause of the Christian persecution of the Jews. They held the Jews responsible for killing their God, culminating in the Nazi holocaust, when six million Jews were murdered. It is true that the Nazis did not use the Christian Bible to explain the mass murder of Jews, but it is clear that if the Church throughout the ages had not indoctrinated the people against the Jews, this appalling tragedy might never have taken place.

Martin Luther, the German Christian hero and founder of the Protestant movement said in 1543

"The synagogues should be set on fire and Jewish homes likewise destroyed."

At his trial in 1946 the Nazi Jew-baiter, Julius Streicher, actually claimed that Luther ought to be in the dock.

Because the slave traders were brought up in the belief that the Holy Bible was every word inspired by God, they honestly thought that to enslave negroes had divine sanction. What could be clearer or more definite than this?:

"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land; and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen forever." (Leviticus 25; 44-46)

In 1729 there was a pang of conscience, but the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General declared that slaves under British bondage anywhere need not be released when they became Christians.

In 1807 Wilberforce, Fox, Thomas Paine and others succeeded to abolish slavery. This was against fierce opposition from the Church. The Pope excommunicated every Roman Catholic who took a stand for abolition, and ordered every book written in its favour to be burned. The slave trade is another first class example of the law of cause and effect. We are now reaping the results of the crop sown by our ignorant ancestors. Slavery was not completely abolished in the British Empire until 1843. It was in this climate, when little children were hung for petty theft, that Karl Marx made his protest. To equate his policies today, in a land with universal suffrage, is an insult to this man.

In the first "Mail on Sunday" one of our country's leading philosophers, Professor A.J. Ayer, was reported to have described Christianity as morally outrageous and intellectually contemptible. It is nothing short of scandalous that our modern philosophers are not allowed to let the majority of the public share their conclusions. When it comes to the deep fundamental reasons for our existence on earth the people are only allowed to hear the opinions of ignorant, ancient simpletons masquerading under the Christian religion. This is a ludicrous state of affairs and is no doubt the reason why the Law Commission recommended that the law of blasphemous libel should be abolished in the first place.

Everyone living in Christian countries has been morally retarded by the complete lack of ethical teaching. It does not help one morally to be living in a country which reveres a book containing the following instructions:

"Thus saith the Lord of hosts (to King Saul) now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. (I Samuel XV, 2-3) their teeth, O God, in their mouth let them be as cut in pieces." (Psalm 58; 6)
"The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked." (Psalm 57; 10)
"Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Psalm 137; 9)
"That thy foot maybe dipped in the blood of thine enemies." (Psalm 68;23)
"Let his days be few. Let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow."
"Let his children be continually vagabonds and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places." (Psalm 109; 8)

Much more in the same strain could be quoted, but this should suffice. What a contrast to the beautiful and noble sentiments uttered by Marcus Aurelius, Senaca, and other 'Pagan' philosophers, whom stupid and intolerant Christians have always classed amongst the damned heathen.

With these quotations from the Christian Bible fresh in the mind, it is worth comparing with the following words spoken by a contemporary philosopher - a man who has been likened unto the Devil by leading Churchmen, and whose teachings, as the law stands at the moment, will never be allowed to be heard on television, radio or in the national papers, even though he has written a number of books.

This is how the philosopher Silver Birch answers the following question:

How would you explain God to children?

"That is not a difficult task if the one who is to do the explaining has a clear conception of the power which is behind all life. For myself, I would point to the divine artistry of nature's handiwork. I would point to the stars, the diamonds in the sky. I would point to the glory of the sun, to the pale reflection of the moon. I would point to the whispering, murmuring breeze, to the nodding pines. I would point to the trickling stream and the mighty ocean. I would touch every facet of nature showing how each is controlled by purpose, by law. I would add that where man has made any discovery in the field of natural life, he finds it comes within the orbit of law, that its growth is controlled and regulated, that it is part of one vast, intricate, yet harmonious pattern, that order reigns supreme throughout the vast universe, controlling planets and insects, storms and breezes, all life, no matter how variegated its expressions may be."
"And then I would say, the mind behind all that, the power that sustains it all, the force that controls the whole vast panorama of the universe and many other worlds that you have not yet seen, is what we call God."

This is how this 'Devil' Birch answers the following question:

When is the best time of day to pray or meditate?

"In the morning, when the sun rises across the hills and birds sing."
"In the silence of the morning and in its beauty, when the dew lies upon the flower shalt thou come to me and I shall dwell with thee. In the evening when the lark up in the sky trill forth its last note, for the last time stretch its wing on high, when the moon shall rise and the sun shall dip beneath the hills in all its splendour, then in that hour of concentration I will be with thee."

Thankfully the Christians also copied many of the inspired higher teachings of the early philosophers. However much of the Bible may be examined by its critics, these magnificent codes of conduct, common to all mankind, will always come shining through, but when it comes to moral codes of ethics the Greek and Roman philosophers were in a class of their own, not to mention the far older teachings accredited to Krishna (The Hindu Christ), Gautama (The Buddha) and Confucius. Even a cursory glance at classical literature will confirm this. But if Christians are taught from birth that these people are ignorant pagans, just think how many have been denied this knowledge.

A person of any race or religion, believer or non-believer, can be loving, kind and unselfish, and have all the attributes that would come under the heading of righteous person.

If only Churches and schools would stop threatening that we have no chance of reaching heaven unless we believe in certain ancient doctrines and dogma, what power they could have for teaching righteousness to mankind.

Our ancestors were not qualified to invent a religion. There is a power in the universe that creates galaxies and puts life onto planets, but the nature of this power is completely beyond the comprehension of our most brilliant scientists and philosophers, who have the benefit of the accumulated knowledge of mankind.

A number of professors who worked on the Plowden report suggested that instead of one religion being given in schools, as a historical fact, philosophy should be taught incorporating all the world's religions, together with the conclusions of ancient, but more importantly, contemporary philosophers.

It is obviously not possible to list all the evidence that non-Christian historians have gathered, but the following dates and Christian Councils are important.

In the fourth century it is estimated that there were 156 different Christian sects all insisting that their ideas were correct. The Roman Emperor decided that an all-embracing doctrine had to be formulated. All the bishops were ordered to attend the Council of Nicaea.


Arguably, AD 325 is the most important date in the history of human development, because from this meeting of ignorant priests came the tragedy entitled 'Christian Civilisation' which eventually embraced a third of mankind. No decision, no battle, no edict ever had such an effect on history, as had the majority decision of this council. It is not difficult to understand why, even today, Christian historians avoid this date like the plague.

It was ordered by Emperor Constantine 'The Great', a most unsavoury character. The encyclopedia says he murdered his son, his wife and later a nephew. At Nicaea the Christian belief was at long last defined and put into words. New words were employed for old theological ideas, which for centuries had been used in pagan theology. Christians now knew for what their faith stood in the opinions of the Emperor and the majority of the bishops. What came to be called Catholic (all-embracing) Christianity was now formulated and definitely established as the State Church of the Roman Empire. All who did not accept the Nicaean definition were banished or put to death.

What qualifications did these men, living in the fourth century, have for making this tragic decision? Surely any conclusions put forward by men who thought the sun circled a fiat earth and that Jerusalem was the centre of the universe, must be looked into very carefully before they are believed? Briefly, Jesus was officially elevated to the position of pagan saviour-god and a member of a trinity of gods, an ancient Egyptian belief.

Arthur Findlay writes in his book 'The Curse of Ignorance':

"A careful study of the history of Christian Civilisation reveals the terrible conditions in which the people lived, but where in any history book do we find a finger pointing to the event which brought about this state of affairs? That is the decision reached at The Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, which raised the Christian Church to the position of the State Church of the Roman Empire. This was the greatest and most tragic event in history. Instead of the world being guided by the thoughts of the great philosophers of Greece and Rome, its most virile inhabitants fell, under the domination of the hierarchy of ignorant priests - what became Christendom from that date to the twentieth century. The Greek and Roman educational system was replaced by theology, and consequently ignorance took the place of the pursuit of knowledge."


The Nicene creed was altered by the Council. Emperor Theodosis decreed that all who did not accept the new Nicene creed were to be considered as traitors to the state and liquidated, and this is exactly what happened right up to the last century. Religious history is a tale of imprisonment, banishment and slaughter. Priests everywhere were appointed as informers, to become known as Inquisitors of the Faith. Heretics, Jews and witches, all in fact who did not conform to the orthodox teaching of the Church, were slaughtered, and the roll of victims runs into millions.

Gibbon, the historian, in 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' making use of the figures supplied by Eusebius A.D. 265-340 (the early Christian historian) which would certainly not err on the side of under-estimation, computes that in all the persecution of the Christians by the Pagans a number not greatly exceeding two thousand suffered death. He contrasts this with the millions who were put to death by the Christian Church as heretics and in consequence of religious wars throughout the Christian era. This historian, for instance, refers to the fact that during the reign of Charles V over one hundred thousand victims perished in the Netherlands alone in consequence of Christian persecution, and that this is only a small fraction of the sum total of victims who fell before the ferocity of the Christian Church throughout its reign as Dictator of Christendom.


A resolution was carried at this Council that Mary conceived Jesus as a result of the action of the Holy Ghost, and that she was the mother of God. This decision in time raised another problem, as to how Jesus could be born without sin from a human mother. This was eventually rectified in 1845 when the Pope announced that Mary was also born as a result of the action of the Holy Ghost.


It was decided here that the Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and from the Son. This was not adopted until 1054. This decision split the Christian Church in two.

The Latin word 'filioque' meaning 'and from the Son' was added to the creed. This innocent little word was to cause the death of countless people.





The Eastern Orthodox Church would not accept that the Holy Ghost came from the son.

4th century B.C.

Evemerus (or Euhemerus) expressed the opinion that the gods of mythology had once been men; a slow but steady awakening had taken place. The people were coming to realise the folly and absurdity of the beliefs of their ancestors. Evemerus did to Greek mythology what Thomas Paine and Voltaire did to Christian theology when they startled the religious world, at the end of the eighteenth century, with the assertion that Jesus had never been more than a human being, a man like other men. Evemerus ushered in the age of scepticism to Pagan mythology as did Paine and Voltaire to Christian theology. He put a check on god-making, so much so that after his time we find only two new gods, Apollonius and Christ, both produced in the first century of the Christian era.

460-370 B.C.

Hippocrates. The first man we would call by the name "doctor". He approached the cure of disease in a truly scientific manner. By the 3rd century B.C. anatomy had revealed something of the workings of the human body and under the direction of two famous anatomists, Herophilus and Erasistratus, surgery was becoming a science. However, the Christian belief in the resurrection of the body brought investigation to an end until the 17th century, because to tamper with a corpse would mean that a mutilated body would arise on the resurrection day.

When Christianity rose to power in the 4th century, Pergamon and all the other Greek and Roman hospitals and sanatoria were destroyed by Christian fanatics, their doctors and healers being massacred or exiled. From that time onwards Christians paid their priests to pray the devils out of them, and teach them falsehoods about the wonders Christianity had done for humanity.

Only this, they claimed, had brought light to a world living in darkness and wickedness, but now we know that this religion destroyed all that was good in -paganism- and gave in exchange nothing new of any value.

4 B.C.

King Herod died. How could he order the massacre of the infants if he was dead? Would the Romans allow a puppet King to carry out such a crime?

The Census of Caesar Augustus is a historical fact. This took place ten years after the death of Herod, in whose reign Matthew and Luke state that Jesus was born. No Roman census would make people travel back to the place they came from. Only people quite ignorant of Roman rule could believe such impossible stories. To try to get a balanced view I have written many letters to theologians asking for their comments on all the controversial points raised in this paper. The silence has been deafening except for a Baptist minister who thought the anomaly about King Herod was because of confusion when the Christian calendar was drawn up at the beginning of the eighth century. He also thought the massacre of the infants was a small localized event and therefore did not come to the attention of the historians.

A.D. 354

St. Augustine was born. Malcolm Muggeridge and many other highly respected broadcasters and writers are always full of praise for this man. One can only conclude that they have not read Paul Johnson's 'A History of Christianity' 1976. This is what this Christian historian says about the most famous early Church father:

"Augustine was the dark genius." "Inspired by Augustine." (The Imperial army persecuted the Donatist Church, unorthodox Christians) "The Donatist Church was broken by force." (This was one of the 156 Christian sects I have mentioned previously) "There were many cases of mass suicide." "Augustine watched the process dry-eyed." "State torture.... was in fact employed whenever the State willed."
"Augustine said, 'if the state used such methods for its own purposes, was not the Church entitled to do the same and more for its own far greater ones?'. He not only accepted, he became the theorist of persecution; and his defences were later to be those on which all defences of the inquisition rested."

Luke 14; 23 'Compel them to come in'. Arthur Findlay says:

"Like the Nazis, the Church in the 4th century started off its inglorious career by being organised by a triumvirate made up of Augustine, Jerome and Ambrose, who launched the Christian totalitarian form of rule on Christendom. The malignant part played by them, in using every priestly invention to strangle all freedom of thought, will some day be appreciated, when they will come to be looked upon as unscrupulous tyrants of the worst type. They were paralleled in our own times by the Nazi triumvirate in Germany, Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler. They managed to maintain a strangle-hold over the German people, the only difference being that the Christian grip lasted 150 times longer. Augustine, the intolerant ruthless aggressor, corresponds to Hitler; Goebbels, the liar and falsifier of the truth, to Jerome; and Ambrose, the inquisitor, to the cruel and calculating Himmler."


Jesus's birthday was decided as 25th December, the same as the sun-god Mithra (winter solstice) and many other saviour-gods.


The Crusades begin. Arthur Findlay says:-

"This conflict was not against the things that are evil, not against cruelty, poverty, crime, injustice, intolerance and all unrighteousness, but against a nation of unbelievers in the Holy Trinity which was in possession of a piece of ground wherein Helena, the mother of Constantine, said the body of a member of that Trinity was buried. Her information was valueless, as it had been obtained by means of bribery and corruption. No one has the faintest idea where the body of Jesus was buried. The whole extraordinary story of his burial and resurrection being the repetition of an ancient myth, belonging to earlier saviour-god religions."

The massacres by the Crusaders are well known and modern theologians now condemn them as they do the killings of the Spanish inquisition. But how many people know about:


The Children's Crusade? One of the worst crimes ever perpetrated by the fanatics in Rome. 50,000 little boys and girls were brought to Marseilles and ports in Italy. Few of the children ever returned from this insane expedition. Thousands died of disease. Many were captured and made slaves.


The Crusade against the unorthodox Christians of Southern France. (Cathars or Albigense people mentioned by Carl Sagan in 'Cosmos'). Pope Innocent Ill's army, led by Saint Dominic, massacred hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. Remember, nobody but priests could read and write, not even the kings. They all took the priest's word that it was their God's wish to kill all heretics. If any souls are going to rot in 'Hell', perhaps the souls of these priests stand a good chance.


The most famous 'witch' Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake. It is estimated that the Christians tortured to death, burnt or drowned 250,000 so-called witches. We now know that many of the people thought of as witches were in fact mediums - people with the wonderful gift of being able to communicate with others who are living in the etheric world. The tragedy is that mediumship is an inherited gift, like music. This is the reason why there are so few outstanding mediums today.


Invention of printing. A dagger into the heart of Christendom. From this date onwards Europe and the world have gradually freed themselves from the curse of priestcraft. Even the priests could not kill fast enough to keep up with the printing presses.


Conquest of Constantinople. Latin and Greek classics, which had been banned by the Catholic Church, were again read:-

It is inconceivable in our more enlightened days, but nevertheless true, that when the Church was supreme all learning, apart from knowledge of the scriptures, was looked upon as heresy and sin.


William Tyndale put to death by strangling, his body then being burned at the stake. His crime was to translate the New Testament and Pentateuch into English.


Copernicus proved that the sun did not go round the earth every day (same as Aristarchus in 280 B.C. whose work had been destroyed by the Christians). His findings were not published until he was on his death bed, for fear of the Church's wrath. Later Galileo was tried and punished because Church lore holds that the sun circles the earth. Galileo was made to recant under the threat of imprisonment and torture.


Cranmer's thirty-nine articles of religion adopted. Every Church of England priest from that day to this has sworn before God that he believes every one of these assertions. These have got to be seen to be believed.


Paul Johnson in 'A History of Christianity' says:

"The Jesuit priest Alessandro Valignano made the following statement:
"We have no jurisdiction whatsoever in Japan. We cannot compel them to do anything they do not wish to do. We have to use pure persuasion and force of argument. They will not suffer being slapped or beaten, or imprisonment, or any of the methods commonly used with other Asian Christians. They are so touchy they will not brook even a single harsh or impolite word.""

If only the Central and South Americans had been as strong as the Japanese. If the highly advanced Aztec and Inca civilisations had not been totally destroyed by the Christian barbarians, they could have developed into one of the world's leading nations, making a significant contribution to science and philosophy in the twentieth century.


Thirty years war in Germany. Protestants v Roman Catholics. It is estimated that the population fell from twenty million to six million, as the huge mercenary armies roamed over the countryside, living off the land. If there is any truth in what has been written so far, all this killing was over nothing at all. Arthur Findlay chose a superb title for his "banned" history of mankind, "The Curse of Ignorance".


Winstanley builds first lighthouse (Eddystone). Before he could start work on this he had to fight the opposition of Trinity House, which was founded by Henry VIII for the purpose of accommodating the Trinity brethren, whose duty it was to pray for the souls of all who were lost at sea. In return for this effort they were given the salvage of all wrecks around our coast. The more wrecks there were the more they earned and for this reason they objected to anything being done to reduce the number.


Chevalier De La Barre failed to doff his hat in respect while a religious procession passed through the streets of Abbeville (it was raining). He was charged and convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to 'The Torture Ordinary and Extraordinary', his hands to be cut off, his tongue torn out with pincers, and burned alive. Now that the people are being told the true nature of Christian civilisation, they will be able to understand the driving force behind the writings of Voltaire and Thomas Paine.


Joseph Lancaster started the first school for the children of the poor. (Secular education)


First Education Bill passed through the House of Commons, but the bishops in the House of Lords raised so much opposition that it was thrown out. So ended the first attempt by the state to educate its children.

Of Samuel Whitbread's Education Bill, Davies Giddy M.P. said:-

"However specious in theory the project might be of giving education to the labouring classes of the poor, it would be prejudicial to their morals and happiness; it would teach them to despise their lot in life, instead of making them good servants in agriculture and other laborious employments. Instead of teaching them subordination, it would render them fractious and refractory ... It would enable them to read seditious pamphlets; vicious books and publications against Christianity; it would render them insolent to their superiors, and in a few years the legislature would find it necessary to direct the strong arm of power towards them."


Church of England set up first schools as a rival to Joseph Lancaster's secular education. Under the direction of a priest named Andrew Bell. 'The National Society for the Education of the poor in the Principles of the Established Church'. Bell announced that he did not desire to instruct the lower classes in the art of writing or arithmetic, because it would:-

"Elevate above their station those who were doomed to the drudgery of daily labours."


Sir Henry Rawlinson deciphers the old Babylonian language showing the Babylonians had a story very similar to Jesus connected with their saviour-god Bel, well over one thousand years B.C. Only Son of God; second in a Trinity of Gods; virgin mother; performed miracles; killed by angry priests; suffered for the sins of humanity; reappeared again from the dead; ascended to heaven; will return again to judge.


Unitarians able to possess legally their own places of worship. Unitarians do not recognise the decision of Nicaea, where the Egyptian idea of Trinity of gods was incorporated into the Christian religion.

1850 to 1855

Four separate bills to establish state education were defeated because of religious opposition. The clergy knew that once the people could read and write and think for themselves, it would be the beginning of the end of their supernatural religion.


Darwin's 'Origin of Species' published. A very large nail in the theologians' coffin.


Reform Bill. Robert Lowe, then vice-president of the education department, speaking against the Bill said:-

"... working men as such ought to be excluded from the franchise on account of their moral and intellectual unfitness."

Thus the education of the 'lower orders' was for a long time decided by what the people in power thought they ought to need, namely hard work, strict discipline, subordination to their betters,' and Christian humility.


Drawing and quartering abolished in Britain, the prisoner before then having his entrails cut out, while he was alive, and burned in his presence, a relic of the time when the mind was believed to be centred in the bowels, which were burned for the purpose of its destruction.


Primary education at school became compulsory. But lack of school buildings meant that many remained illiterate, and fifteen years had still to pass before it became free.


Lister's discoveries in antiseptics were fought. Also the clerics said he was proposing anaesthetics as a decoy of Satan,

"robbing God of the deep earnest cries of pain that should arise to Him in time of trouble."

This also highlights the danger in many ancient religious rites. Before this knowledge reached them, the Jews circumcised male babies and the Moslems female babies, completely oblivious of the dangers of blood poisoning. Most Moslems no longer mutilate females.


Charles Bradlaugh, an avowed atheist, permitted to take his seat in Parliament after a long and bitter struggle.


The Reverend Denis Kemp, from the Wesleyan Gold Coast mission, asserted, in his book "Nine Years at the Gold Coast".

"I should consider myself worse than despicable if I failed to declare my first conviction that the British army and navy are today used by God for the accomplishment of His purpose."

At school we are only taught of the good done by Christian missionaries, but the whole story is a tale of unimaginable cruelty. The Christians seriously believed that because the natives did not know about their God, they had no chance of reaching heaven. Therefore, many thought any method of conversion was preferable to the native's soul rotting in Hell.


Act passed to make secondary education compulsory.


Act of Parliament passed removing mediums from the threat of the Witchcraft Act 1735.


The eminent astronomer Carl Sagan, in his television programme 'Cosmos', criticised Pythagoras and Plato, because they encouraged the 'god-makers' in believing in an unseen universe. This eventually resulted in the destruction of the Greek and Roman educational establishments by the Christian fanatics. This programme was shown only a few months before Professor F. Reines published his conclusions agreeing with Pythagoras. That there is indeed a vast universe that is beyond our physical senses.

Every day we are told by the mass media that it is because of Christianity that we are such an advanced civilisation. The truth is, it is in spite of Christianity. It is arguably the greatest curse that has ever hit this planet. The suppression of knowledge has set us back at least one thousand five hundred years. Remember that Pythagoras was in the 6th century B.C.

A Christian friend, who is also a lecturer in history, thinks I should see a psychiatrist. This line of thought must be very familiar to Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the Russian dissidents in mental institutions. This is the up-to-date method of dealing with heretics. At least it makes a change from torture, hanging, drawing and quartering and burning at the stake.

My learned friend is quite happy to believe a god in the shape of man, sent his only son to earth via a virgin's womb and that after being killed he arose in his old physical body from the grave and a few days later disappeared into the sky. I will leave readers to decide which one of us needs our minds straightened out.

Early on in my studies I quickly came to the conclusion that all highly educated Christians were acting. But I was wrong. Only some are acting; others seriously believe the Bible is the word of God. It is as if the part of the brain that deals with logic and reason has been removed. No wonder the modern forces against freedom have latched onto brainwashing. It really works, especially if it starts from birth.

Time and again people say to me, "If what you say is true, how can highly educated people like Malcolm Muggeridge and Enoch Powell be taken in?"

This is because the physical brain is like a computer and the mind is the programmer. However efficient a computer is, it will always come up with the wrong answer if it has been incorrectly programmed.

If a baby from birth is told by loving parents that 2 + 2 = 3 and later at Sunday School, kindergarten, preparatory school, public school and university this young mind is again told by clever and often highly respected teachers that 2 + 2 = 3 this - added to the same teaching from the mass media, backed by the weight of law - is it any wonder that many people, often in very responsible positions, seriously believe that 2 + 2 = 3?

Many churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and schools, especially in countries under a totalitarian regime, are nothing more than abattoirs of the mind, intent on indoctrination rather than teaching righteousness and the pursuit of truth, knowledge and therefore wisdom. Outside of the few moral codes of ethics contained in all religions and philosophies, we have nothing to learn from our ignorant ancestors. We have now entered the scientific age. Never before have the young people of the world been presented with such an exciting opportunity to add knowledge to the slough of ignorance inherited from the past.

When the world's religions were invented, man had no understanding of nature whatsoever. He had no idea what stars were, hence one being reported as appearing over a cattle shed at Bethlehem. Our sun alone is equivalent to billions of hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously and continuously. Definitely not the work of man.

Never believe anything again, without checking the facts very carefully, no matter how apparently well educated your informants may seem.

The following sentence from Carl Sagan should be written above every blackboard in the world:

"Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong."

Now I come to the suppression of a vital document - a document so important that its findings, if published at the time, could have had an effect on the lives of every man, woman and child in Christendom.

In 1938 the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cosmo Lang, set up a Church commission to look carefully into the claims of many scientists who were taking a great interest in psychic phenomena, especially Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge and the historian and philosopher Arthur Findlay. Is it true, are our 'dead' loved ones still alive and able to speak to us through a medium?

To Dr. Lang's surprise and consternation the majority of his commission were in accord with the claims of the psychical researchers.

This is what the Rt. Rev. Mervyn Stockwood, Lord Bishop of Southwark, writing in 1973, said about this suppressed report:

" ...In the years preceding the war, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cosmo Lang, set up a commission to inquire into these matters. The report of the commission has never been published. The official reason for this curious fate is that the war made it inopportune."
"I should have thought that the reverse would have been the case. In times of national emergency, and especially at that time, with the destructive forces of Adolf Hitler massed against us, men are readier to consider the prospect of death and what, if anything, may lie beyond. It happened that some years ago I obtained a copy of the report and, having read it, I believe that the reason for its non-publication was the timidity of Archbishop Lang and his colleagues. They preferred to conceal the report rather than face its implications. This timidity is characteristic not only of churchmen but of many others. They fear that if they show sympathy, they may be regarded as quacks. I remember a distinguished physiologist at Cambridge telling me that he would have nothing to do with psychical research; he refused to read its books, be present at its meetings, or take part in its tests, as the whole subject was taboo and not intended for serious minds. I suppose he would have said much the same about landings on the moon had he lived a hundred years ago."

The reason why the Christian Church is terrified of this information reaching the public is because every time anybody from the next world speaks to us through a medium the message is always the same:

"It does not matter in the slightest what you believe, it is how you have behaved during your short stay on earth that counts."

Is it any wonder the priests are keen to keep this quiet?

What Mervyn Stockwood says about the distinguished physiologist at Cambridge is worth comparing with another, so-called, expert's opinion.

"The Astronomer Royal announced that talk of space flight was 'utter bilge'. This was just 18 months before Russia's Sputnik I roared into orbit."

Adrian Berry, Science Correspondent, Daily Telegraph.

The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom