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Correspondence 1999

The Christian Bible: Letter to Psychic News (December 18, 1999)

Censorship: Letter to Lord Avebury (December 10, 1999)

A History of Christianity: Lord Avebury (December 7, 1999)

August 13, 1999

Letter from Ronald Pearson to John Samson

In his letter, Ronald Pearson writes:

"The corporate policy of the SPR is to support a paradigm of established physics: that mind is mere brain function.
This is in direct conflict with an overwhelming bulk of evidence, which shows that our immortal minds transfer to another system of matter invisible and untouchable to us (since it operates on a different quantum wavelength). I think this is the main reason the Church has tried to suppress the truth about the real nature of spirituality for so many centuries."

Read the full text of the letter here.