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Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson, 11 July 2001

John Samson is a Member of The Society for Psychical Research

The fact that American scientists are behaving like seekers after knowledge (scientists) will really put the pressure on the hierarchy of the Society for Psychical Research who have been censoring papers that connect survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics.

They will now play their ace of trumps in order to try and protect themselves from criticism. They will point to PRISM (Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums). Senior members of the SPR working within the religion of Spiritualism.

Is it true that the people in charge if PRISM rejected the kind offer from the materialisation medium Colin Fry when he came forward to dedicate his gift to scientific advancement?

Colin Fry is a medium attached to the Noah's Ark Society for Physical Mediumship. A colleague of mine, a lecturer at the University of Lancaster, witnessed one of Colin's demonstrations where Lord Dowding, the head of Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, fully materialised and walked around the room shaking hands with people. He even went up and spoke to a person in the audience who worked with him at the Air Ministry during the war.

What reason did PRISM give for rejecting Colin Fry's offer?

Michael Roll

Reply from John Samson, 12th July:

"Yes Mike, you are quite right. Colin told me himself that he had made an offer to PRISM and that they turned him down. He was as mystified as I was by this rejection."

Related material on this site:

Response to a complaint made by the medium Colin Fry (May, 2002)

Lord Dowding's Return - an article by J. J. Snyder