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Letter from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas, September 12, 2001

Hugh Thomas is a member of The National Secular Society.


I am sure the American tragedy will make people all over the world realise just how dangerous it is to take notice of priests and so-called holy men. The French philosopher Voltaire got it spot on:

"People who believe absurdities commit atrocities."

Also the American philosopher Gore Vidal:

"The one-god religions are easily the greatest disaster ever to be inflicted on the human race."

Let's hope people start to think for themselves and follow philosophers (thinkers) instead of big daddy god merchants who are teaching children to hate from birth. A heinous crime against humanity.

Michael Roll

"All national institutions of religion are human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind and to monopolise power and profit."
Thomas Paine, 'The Age of Reason' 1794
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