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Letter from Michael Roll to The Guardian Newspaper, London, September 16, 2001

16th September 2001

Letters Editor
The Guardian

Dear Sir,

"Religion teaches the dangerous nonsense that death is not the end."

Let's hope the American tragedy makes people look very carefully at Professor Richard Dawkins's "elephant in the front room" - religion (Guardian 15th September)

However, as a fellow atheist (flatly refusing to grovel before anybody or anything) I would like to point out that priests and "holy men" do not have a monopoly on the study of life after death. It's just that they have hijacked the subject.

I set out the secular case for survival as a branch of physics on my website:

I can promise Professor Dawkins that the atheists who accept survival as a branch of physics - natural forces in the universe - value all life on this appallingly backward planet and we work from the ethic:

"As you sow, so you will reap."

Yours faithfully

Michael Roll

Comment by Michael Roll:

This letter will be censored in Great Britain where the Church and state are still established and scientific teaching starts from the base that death is the end of everything. Therefore, the British public are not allowed access to the secular scientific case for survival.

Related material on this site:

Keep God out of public affairs - an article by A C Grayling, published in The Observer, London (Sunday August 12, 2001)