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Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Roger Berry, October 23, 2001

Dr Roger Berry has been MP for Kingswood (Bristol) since April 9, 1992.


I have a letter from Dr. John Habgood when he was the Archbishop of York dated 12th December 1983. He says that the Church is now taking the scientific study of survival after death "more seriously than was once the case" and that they have a department looking into the subject - 'The Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies'.

This is obviously why the hierarchy of the Church of England chose this qualified physicist to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury. They could then gently lead the people over to accepting survival after death as something that happens to every person on Earth and not just Christians or believers in religious doctrines and dogmas.

Mrs. Thatcher destroyed these plans by ditching Dr. Habgood and choosing a born-again Christian as Archbishop of Canterbury - Canon George Carey.

In the light of the Twin Towers tragedy it's now most urgent that the Government makes sure that people are presented with a balance on all media outlets but most importantly in our schools and universities. Every person on Earth must now have access to the secular scientific case for survival after death. Nothing less than the future of this planet depends on it.


Related material on this site:

Psychic Phenomena - Letter from Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York, to Michael Roll (December 12, 1983)

Christian Faith - Letter from Dr George Carey to Michael Roll, July 13, 1984 (GIF file, 20KB)