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from Michael Roll to Susan Woodward, March 22, 2002

Academics accuse me of inventing Prof. Peter Wadhams!


we have stirred up a hornet's nest of hate from academics who are going to be made to look stupid as the truth hits more and more people. Here is the crushing proof that Prof. Peter Wadhams (Ocean Physics) Cambridge University has backed me and he also broadcast with me and Ron Pearson across the USA and the rest of the world on the Jeff Rense programme. The broadcast on 3rd November 2001 is on permanent record.

I never said that the Nobel Laureate for physics Professor Josephson has backed me personally. I said this head of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University had dared to link so-called paranormal phenomena with subatomic physics. Please refer to the headlines in the Daily Mail on 1st October 2001. On 2nd October he broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme.

As you can imagine this has really put the spanner in the establishment works and they are getting in a terrible state. The Radio 4 producer even wheeled on the "Great" James Randi to have a crack at this great scientist. Randi called the Nobel Laureate for physics a "scoundrel". Needless to say Prof. Josephson sorted the magician out.

Perhaps James would be kind enough to read this out on the air. One academic got in such a state he accused me of inventing Prof. Peter Wadhams and that he has checked with Cambridge University and that there is no Prof. Wadhams there! You see what I mean about getting desperate.



A representative of the BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme has confirmed to this site that James Randi spoke on the programme on October 2, 2001, but not live. The programme broadcast a clip of James Randi saying that those who link paranormal phenomena with subatomic physics are "scoundrels". James Randi said:

"There is no firm evidence for the existence of telepathy, ESP or whatever we wish to call it, and I think it is the refuge of scoundrels in many aspects for them to turn to something like quantum physics, which uses a totally different language from the regular English that we are accustomed to using from day to day, to merely say, oh that's where the answer lies, because that's all very fuzzy anyway. No it's not very fuzzy, and I think that his opinion will be differed with by the scientific body in general ..."

Prof. B D Josephson destroyed Randi's arguments on the programme, but this was not in live debate.

The full transcript of this discussion is on Prof. Josephson's web site.

Related material on this site:

Survival research - Letter from Prof. Wadhams to Michael Roll (August 11, 2000)

Related material on other sites:

On November 3, 2001, Ron Pearson and Michael Roll were joined on the Jeff Rense Program by the Cambridge physicist Professor Peter Wadhams. This broadcast was archived online, but the archives were stolen:

On March 19, 2002 Michael Roll spoke on the James Whale Show (MW 1053).