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Letter from Michael Roll to Melody Mehta, May 19, 2002

Melody Mehta is an Australian writer, currently living in Canada.


many thanks for the e-mail. All the time Prof. Johnjoe McFadden of the University of Surrey is playing the establishment game he will get published in The Journal of Conciousness Studies - it's controlled by priests and their materialistic allies. The work of Ronald Pearson has been officially censored by this magazine. The letter of rejection was actually signed by a priest! As you know Pearson's papers have been censored by every organisation that is pretending to be looking into life after death and related subjects, especially The Society for Psychical Research!

The Etheric world and our minds have nothing whatsoever to do with electromagnetic forces. Notice these "scientists" never mention Sir Oliver Lodge. Please refer to his article on my website - 'The Mode of Future Existence'. Ronald Pearson has provided the missing pieces to Sir Oliver's jigsaw.

'Quantum Gravitation and the Structured Ether'. Gravity is the force of the etheric ("spirit") world and Ronald Pearson has given it a structure. No wonder his papers have been censored. Far too many powerful fat cats with too much to lose from the truth. Please pass on this information as the British press and most media outlets find this to hot to handle. Thankfully the journalists and broadcasters are not corrupt but they are terrified of their paymasters. The corruption is only at the top, the same as it's always been throughout history.

"Thomas Paine is quite right, but if the people find this out we will have a bloody revolution on our hands."
William Pitt, the British Prime Minister after Paine published 'Rights of Man' 1790


Related material on this site:

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory by Rory Macquisten

Is The SPR Serious About Being Even Handed? - Letter from Ronald Pearson, written in response to Prof. Carr's letter to Psychic News, March 17, 2001

The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940)

This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.