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E-mail from Michael Roll to Barry Eaton, August 8, 2002

Barry Eaton is an Australian broadcaster.

Billy Graham Christian elected President of the USA!


As soon as a born-again Christian was elected President of the USA I knew we were in big trouble. Bush is still fighting the crusades. His goodies and baddies are very clear, there are no grey areas. Cowboys goodies, Indians baddies. Billy Graham Christians goodies, all the rest baddies etc.

I watched that TV interview myself. I am not relying on any report. BBC 2 Newsnight is brilliant at inviting nutters on the air, firing in a question, and then letting their guest self destruct.

"You are on record as advocating the use of nuclear weapons in Afganistan."

In this case the guest was the son of Billy Graham - the spitting image of his dad.

"Are there any blacks in Brazil?" [*]

The truth is coming out at last. The only thing still being censored at the moment is the secular scientific case for survival after death. However, it's now on the Jeff Rense notice board that is getting 7 million hits a month. Maybe we will not have to dig our nuclear shelters. Very shortly public opinion will sweep the whole grisly shooting-match aside. The roundearthers achieved total victory over the very powerful flatearthers very quickly after Magellan sailed round the world in 1522. The Berlin Wall came down overnight. It will be all over immediately the public are given three choices, at the moment they only have two:


Resting in peace in the ground waiting for Judgement Day.

No date set for this.

However, when this happens only those who believe in priestcraft stand any chance of survival, all the rest will rot in Hell forever without any chance of ever getting out. The religious monopoly on the subject of survival.


When you are dead, you're dead

- scientific teaching across every discipline including psychology and philosophy as taught in every university in the world.


The secular scientific case for survival after death

- that we are all immediately reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us. That we are dealing with natural and normal forces in the universe, a branch of physics called subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.

No prizes will be given to those who guess correctly which one the people will choose. The only trouble is the members of one and two also know the answer, this is why number 3 is censored.

It's all on record in the pages of Psychic World over many years. Arthur Findlay's army pleading with the physical mediums to let us in with the infra-red cameras to prove that they are genuine. The Spiritualists (Noah's Ark Society) tearing into us with all their might giving every crazy reason under the sun not to allow us in with the cameras. For goodness sake we are on their side, we have started from the base that they are genuine unless proved otherwise. If we were on the side of Randi, Blackmore and Wiseman I could understand their stand.


[*] 2002: During a conversation between President George W. Bush (55, USA) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (71, Brazil), Bush bewildered his colleague with the question "Do you have blacks, too?".

Related material on this site:

James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus - an article by Sam Nicholls (1991)

No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002)

Related material on other sites:

How Does Christianity Work? - An article by Lawrence McGuire (August 10, 2002)

"Uncle Sam doesn't just have a religious accessory now, a Bible Belt strapped around his Southern waist, he sports a full length Bible Body Suit, a spiritual coat of armor for defending all the soft spots (war crimes, corporate theft, poverty etc.) of the body politic from The Devil Twins, otherwise known as Common Sense and Reason."

Read the full text of the article on the Counterpunch site.

Faith & Values: Franklin Graham takes on Islam as a religion of hatred - An article by Martha Sawyer Allen (August 10, 2002)

"Graham said Thursday that he makes no distinction between the faith of Islam and the policies and practices of countries run by Islamic law.
"My goal is not to fight Muslims, but look at the cases," Graham said. "There is no tolerance under Islam. I've been to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia. Muslims in this country haven't traveled [to Muslim countries] as much as I have. I know." "

Read the full text of the article on the Star Tribune site.

Tawdry New Efforts To Attack Sir William Crookes - Michael Roll's e-mail about Sir William Crookes (August 4, 2002) and the reply from Prof. Peter Wadhams (August 5, 2002) are also posted on the Jeff Rense site: