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E-mail from Michael Roll to Chris Robinson, August 16, 2002

Einstein has got it wrong!

Yes, this scientist Prof. Paul Davies was speaking on BBC Radio 4 this morning live - Friday 16th August. It's exactly what Ron Pearson has been saying since 1988. Prof. Davies has had correspondence with Ron Pearson! I have been saying for 20 years that they will eventually have to jump on our winning bandwagon - the secular scientific case that we all possess a soul and survive the death of our physical bodies. Ronald Pearson's mathematics matches the experiments proving survival after death. Einstein's Theory of Relativity did away with the ether (the "spirit" world) in 1905. A scientific disaster.

"If your mathematics doesn't match the experiment then it's wrong." Prof. Richard Feynman

I know Ron is right because I have taken part in repeatable experiments where I have physically caught hold of people who once lived on Earth. It has to be very good to impress me because I am a raging sceptic, an atheist and a rationalist.

Michael Roll

Related material on this site:

A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992.

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory by Rory Macquisten

Essen, Dr. Louis D.Sc. FRS. OBE. "Relativity - Joke or Swindle?" (Electronics & Wireless World). This criticism of Einstein's Theory of Relativity by the inventor of the atomic clock is censored in all mainstream scientific publications. It was Rutherford who thought Einstein's Theory of Relativity was a joke!

On June 11, 2002, Chris Robinson appeared on The Richard and Judy Show.