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E-mail from Michael Roll to Park Teter, September 9, 2002

Many thanks for helping to stop the brainwashed religious fanatics from tearing the planet apart.

Here is the new way of thinking you are looking for. It's the secular scientific proof of survival after death that has really upset the professional priests for obvious reasons. They know as well as we do that there is no need for a faith or a belief system now that we have the scientific proof of survival after death.

Please let your contacts know about these censored discoveries in physics. When this hits millions all the religious killing will stop when they eventually find out they are all fighting over nothing whatsoever apart from mythology gone mad.

Michael Roll

Related material on this site:

No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002)

The Scientific Proof of Life After Death - Pamphlet by Michael Roll

Related material on other sites:

Daniel Park Teter - - Revolution Against War

"The enormous horror of the nightmare of September 11 is cause for enormous hope. It can awaken us from thousands of years of the endlessly recurring nightmare of war."

From "The Millennium Manifesto":

"Christians adorn their churches and their bosoms with an instrument of torture, the cross, the symbol of God's wonderful forgiveness of the original sin they supposedly committed in the wicked childhood of human existence. The Christian's belief that he or she is forgiven is an especially crippling defense mechanism. The feeling of being forgiven is a huge relief. But one cannot feel forgiven unless one feels a need for forgiveness.
For a Christian to feel that he or she is not guilty would rob the Christian of that overwhelming relief of feeling forgiven. Thus the feeling of forgiveness drives ever deeper into the Christian's soul the cruel lie of his or her own intrinsic unworthiness.
They are damned by their doctrine of salvation. No wonder Christians adore an instrument of torture!
And they don't get it. Christians are so trapped in Christianity's cruel lie that they adorn their church steeples and their bosoms with the a device used for capital punishment. Perhaps if teenage girls started wearing electric-chair trinkets between their boobs, perhaps if church steeples were topped with gas chambers, Christians would begin to wake up to the child abuse that has been inflicted on them."