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E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense, November 28, 2003



I am so glad you have picked up this most important point. This is what has really shaken me about so many who call themselves Spiritualists, they soak up everything coming via mediums like a sponge. They seem completely oblivious to the fact that the etheric universe is teeming with people who have been mindwashed on Earth. They leave their brains behind but take their damaged minds with them to make havoc among gullible people back on Earth. As we think on Earth, then so we attract from the etheric universe. The only danger is not to recognise this fact.

We have to be very careful of who we mix with on Earth, but we have to be even more careful of what type of people we are attracting towards us from the etheric wavelengths. It is just as daft as taking notice of instructions coming via a ouija board. This can attract very rotten characters close to the Earth's vibrations. They can easily manipulate a ouija board and push our loved ones aside.

It's vital that we all remain sceptical at all times. Accept things that have been proved, reject everything that insults our intelligence or offends our reason. Anything we are not too sure about let's put in our pending tray to think about. Never believe anything or anybody, always check the facts very carefully. Let's all eliminate this dreadful priestly word "believe"

from our vocabulary. Students of philosophy think about things, find out about things and ask questions. It's the priests, mullahs, rabbis, and ministers of religion like Billy Graham, who want us all grovelling before them and blindly believing everything they say. This is the road to destruction and the Third World War.

"We have a choice of two paths, one is the secular way (non religious) and the other is the theological (religious); one is the democratic and the other the despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane." Arthur Findlay

Michael Roll

Related material on this site:

Contacting Mediums - Michael Roll's e-mail to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002)

The Rise and Fall of the Spiritualist Movement - an article by Michael Roll

The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works.

This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived:

"Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."

Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths:

"One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."

No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002)