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Correspondence 2004

Vatican and Science: Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004)

Religious Fanatics: Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004)

Shelling Mosques: E-mail to The Times (London) (November 18, 2004)

"Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena: E-mail to Dr Nicola Holt (November 14, 2004)

Governance by Theology: Prof. Peter Wadhams (November 4, 2004)

"Paranormal Phenomena": E-mail to Dr Roger Berry (October 24, 2004)

Sir William Crookes: E-mail to The New Scientist (August 28, 2004)

Complaint: Alan Valiant (August 16, 2004)

Open Letter to Billy Graham: Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)

A Holistic Solution: Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004)

Sir William Crookes: Peter Wadhams (May 7, 2004)

The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum: E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004)

Philosophical Balance: E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004)

February 27, 2004

E-mail from Michael Roll to Sam Nicholls

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:

"No qualified scientists are allowed on British television to put the secular scientific case for survival after death. There are far too many powerful "experts" with too much to lose when people eventually have access to the scientific case for a separate mind and brain."

Read the full text of the e-mail here.

Religious Hatred: E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004)

Materialisation Mediums: E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004)

Arthur Findlay: E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004)