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Letter from Michael Roll to Michael Dawson, October 13, 2001

Michael Dawson is a physicist, currently living in France


Prof. Josephson's linking of the paranormal with subatomic physics is the best thing that has happened in my 20 year fight for a balance on media outlets. The Twin Towers tragedy will make more scientists, and perhaps a few priests, have the courage to tell the truth. The future of this planet is far more important than just keeping old-boy networks intact.

Nothing like this has happened since Sir Oliver Lodge's published article in 1933 that is on my web site 'The Mode of Future Existence'. It's so obvious that we are dealing with natural forces in the universe. What really hurts is that no "scientist" or priest is blocking these discoveries from a base of ignorance. If they were genuine they would have our work out in the open and destroy it. The fact that survival and physics is censored means the powerful establishment forces are terrified of what we are presenting.

All we have to do is to tell the truth and keep telling the truth come what may. The Jeff Rense Programme is one hell of a breakthrough and the fact that Prof. Schwartz is carrying out experiments that the SPR and Prof. Robert Morris should have been doing.


Related material on this site:

"Paranormal" - An article by Michael Hanlon about Prof. B D Josephson, published in The Daily Mail, (October 1, 2001) (GIF file, 186KB)

Scientific Proof and the Media - Letter from Michael Roll to Prof. B D Josephson (December 1, 2002)

The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940)

This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.

Presenting the secular scientific case for survival - E-mail from Jeff Rense to Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson (April 4, 2002)