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Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson, March 9, 2002

John Samson is a member of the Society for Psychical Research.


I have been doing some checking and there may be some truth in what that expert on Michael Faraday said on TV about him not having anything to do with mediums or making contact with the "dead".

Faraday was brainwashed from birth by some obscure Christian sect (Robert Sandeman sect). I expect it's Bible based. This is what I call the Cliff Richard syndrome. I saw Cliff Richard being interviewed on TV just after his father died. He said that he was so upset that he was determined to make contact with his father via a medium, but "thankfully" a priest pointed to the passages in the Bible (God's word) that makes it very clear that mediums are in contact with the devil!

As you know these passages were inserted in the Bible by priests to protect their supernatual doctrines and dogmas from what etheric people say whenever we make contact with them:

"There is no place here just reserved for Christians or anybody else, we all survive the death of our physical bodies."

This makes all the priests redundant. I expect the passages in the Bible attacking mediums as witches were written in the Renaissance. We know the following little gem, which is nothing less than incitement to murder, was written into the King James Bible in 1611:

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Exodus 22;18

It was the lucky mediums, nature's interpreters between our world and the next, who were burnt at the stake or drowned. The vast majority were slowly tortured to death by the Christian priests and their victims in order to get more and more names.

All this is very well covered by the Roman Catholic historian Paul Johnson. He makes it very clear,

"The killing of witches was purely a Renaissance phenomenon."

(Ref: Johnson, Paul 'A History of Christianity' 1976 (Weidenfeld & Nicholson))


Related material on this site:

Killing Mediums is a Heinous Crime Against Humanity - Michael Roll

Does the Society for Psychical Research have a "corporate policy"? - Letter from Ronald Pearson to John Samson (August 13, 1999)

A History of Christianity - E-mail from Michael Roll to Robert Giddings (May 2, 2003)