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E-mail from Michael Roll to Brian Hurst, March 17, 2003

Brian Hurst is an American medium.


to say your e-mail came as a shock is a gross understatement - that supporters of Arthur Findlay's secular scientific approach to the study of life after death have threatened the life of Colin Fry!!!

Sounds more like James Randi's supporters to me.

I think Colin Fry is doing wonderful work on television giving evidence of survival. Colin and I have a difference of opinion on how to present the proof of survival after death, that's all. I am keen for Colin and David Thompson to carry out repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions with genuine scientists like Prof. Gary Schwartz. This way every person on Earth will be able to see on film recently deceased people being physically reunited with their loved ones on Earth. Colin and David have put in writing across the Internet that they do not want to call in scientists who are on their side.

Please help us to find a medium who was as good as Rita Goold and is prepared to dedicate their wonderful gift to bringing enlightenment to mankind. It must be a medium who is able to produce full materialisation phenomena every time he/she gives a demonstration.


Related material on this site:

Scientific Proof - E-mail to the materialisation medium David Thompson (October 12, 2002)

Response to a complaint made by the medium Colin Fry (May, 2002)

Contacting Mediums - Michael Roll's e-mail to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002)

James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus - an article by Sam Nicholls (1991)

"The Afterlife Experiments" - by Gary Schwartz (2003)

A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992.