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Articles: Ronald Pearson

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SURVIVAL PHYSICS: A Brief Summary - Ron Pearson

Survival Physics - Summary by "Maverick"

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory - Rory Macquisten

Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World - Dr Alex Katsman

Interview with Ron Pearson

Theoretical Physics Backs Survival

Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof

Answer to Critique (June 2004)

Response to Critique of "Origin of Mind"

Consciousness as a Sub-Quantum Phenomenon

Updating Newton

Black Holes De-Mystified

An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation

Ron's Key to all the Universe's Mysteries - (The Derby Telegraph, February 27, 2003)

© The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

 ...An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation... Contents

5.0 Conclusion

A long-held view, that Newtonian mechanics has been permanently overturned by Einstein's relativity theories, was shown to be a misconception: the predictions of both special and general relativity can be paralleled when Newtonian mechanics is sufficiently refined. This does not mean the idea of time dilation is supported. Instead equivalent frequency shifts, caused by either high speed motion or change in gravitational potential, are produced in a universal time frame. These effects are caused by changes of inertial mass.

The latter is the sum of rest and kinetic masses but the equivalence with total energy is limited. This is because, although E = mc2 is derived from purely Newtonian principles, c increases with gravitational potential.

Then the inertial mass of an object becomes a variable even when its total energy remains constant. This showed mass to be only a property of energy which controls dynamical behaviour. Total energy alone, probably entirely kinetic in the ultimate analysis, turned out to be the only true constructional substance of space, (the i-ther) matter and motion.

Used to explore the meaning of "potential energy", the new approach proved that the rest-energy of an object is unaffected by changes of potential as it moves in any field of force, nuclear, electromagnetic, or gravitational. This meant that another misconception was highlighted: binding energies cannot be equated to changes in rest-mass or rest-energy.

These paradigm-shifting changes need critical appraisal because they appear to solve the major difficulties of producing a satisfactory theory of quantum gravitation. This is important because general relativity is recognised by theorists to be incompatible with quantum theory. The new approach led straight to a quantum solution which needed no gravitons. This meant it predicted a complete absence of gravitational shadows. It was also fully consistent with the existence of a background compressible fluid medium, as required for explaining certain so-called anomalous phenomena. The latter are considered elsewhere (6,7,8,10&11).

Finally three new experiments in orbit were proposed. Two of them would use proven interferometers, one having already detected absolute speeds. They could open up a whole new field of space exploration which might dwarf, in scientific importance, anything yet attempted by NASA.

6.0 Acknowledgements

The contributions of the late mathematician and ardent relativist John William Robert Day M.Sc. proved invaluable: he became a most valued critic. His first letter, dated May 13, 1993, gave in a few lines, a solution for the perihelion advance derived from my basic equations. He had obtained these from my book(6) which effectively gave the same solution but had involved many pages of algebra.

Mostly his efforts were directed to turning me into a relativity convert: to turn the theory into some kind of relativity/Newtonian hybrid. This was fiercely resisted. However, his critiques triggered new insights as recorded in the above text.

The author is also indebted to Michael Roll, who heads "The Campaign For Philosophical Freedom", and to his many supporters for their untiring efforts in helping break through the barriers preventing communication.

7.0 References


Aspden, Harold: Laser Interferometry Experiments on Light Speed Anisotropy

Physics Letters 85A,No.8,9:19 October 1981


Brillet, A. & Hall J.L.: Improved Laser Test of the Isotropy of Space

Physical Review Letters, Vol.42, No.9, 26 February 1979


Isham, Chris J.: Quantum Gravity: pp70-93: The New Physics

Cambridge University Press 1989: Edited by Paul Davies


Guth, Alan & Steinhardt, Paul: The Inflationary Universe: pp34-60:

The New Physics (as above)


Novikov,I.D.: Evolution of the Universe

Cambridge University Press, 1983


Pearson, Ronald D.: Intelligence Behind the Universe Dec.1990: 370 pages

Maths in Technical Supplement included.


Pearson, Ronald D.: Origin of Mind: Dec.1992: 72 pages

Maths in Appendix for theory of breeding primaries & i-theric structure.


Pearson, Ronald D.: Key to Consciousness: Quantum Gravitation: March 1997

24 pages; Explains breeding more simply.


Pearson, Ronald D.: Alternative to Relativity Including Quantum Gravitation

Second International Conference on Problems in Space and Time

St.Petersburg, Petrovskaja Academy of Sciences & Arts 1991


Pearson, Ronald D.: Quantum Gravitation and the Structured Ether

Sir Isaac Newton Conference: St. Petersburg March 1993


Pearson, Ronald D.: Consciousness as a Sub-Quantum Phenomenon

Frontier Perspectives: Vol.6,No.7,Spring/Summer 1997, pp70-78

Refs. 6-8 Direct from publisher: see page 2


Shapiro, Irwin I.: Fourth Test of General Relativity

Phys.Rev.Lett.Vol.13,No.26,[28 Dec.1964] p.789


Shapiro, Irwin I. et al: Fourth Test of General Relativity: New Radar Result

Phys.Rev.Lett. 26, pp1132-35 [1971]


Tryon, Edward P.: What made the World?: New Scientist, 8/3/1984,pp14-16


Will, Clifford: The Renaissance of General Relativity pp7-33(page 24)

The New Physics: Edited by Paul Davies: As Ref.3


Pearson, Ronald D.: Survival Physics

Survival Physics includes a paradox-free "Quantum-Wave theory of Gravity" based on the work given here. The quantum waves produce the required i-theric density gradients after being first focused to produce the sub-atomic particles of matter. The waves are generated by the "Opposed Energy Dynamics" of the i-ther.

All is created by the background mind of i-ther (intelligent ether) which spontaneously forms from a filamentous structure described by the mathematical model. This theory of everything predicts the survival of consciousness after death and so supports the totally convincing experimental evidence now available.

 An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation - Contents