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A Rational Scientific Explanation for so-called Psychic Phenomena

The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death

We Cannot See Microbes Without a Microscope

Discoveries in Physics Prove we Possess a Soul

Surviving Death is a Branch of Physics

Science Confirms Survival

The Suppression of Knowledge

Why Were Queen Victoria's Diaries Destroyed and then Rewritten?

Uncomfortable Historical Facts That we are Never Taught at School in the Theocracy of Great Britain

Appeasement has Destroyed the Good Name of Psychology

Genuine Goodness is Threatening to Those at the Opposite End of the Moral Spectrum

There is no Justice When it Comes to the Subject of Survival After Death

The Method of Presenting Survival After Death

David Icke: Destroyed on Television for the Second Time

A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying to Live

James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus

© The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

Uncomfortable Historical Facts That we are Never Taught at School in the Theocracy of England

A theocracy is a country where the Church and the State are established - a form of government directed through a priestly order.

Unelected Christian bishops and their allies in the House of Lords make our laws. As we do not have a written constitution in England, the law of the land is our constitution. It is against the law to tell the truth! The common law offence of blasphemous libel is still in place even though the Law Commission in 1982 strongly recommended that it should be abolished. There are sinister clauses in this law that stop certain historical facts from even being presented to the public on the grounds that they upset believers in priestcraft — Christians. No obscurant would be stupid enough to sue anybody under this antiquated law, but it is a perfect tool for censorship. Editors say, "We can’t publish your articles because they are against the law." And they are absolutely correct in our "free" country!

Please note that the author has used the terms BCE (Before Christian Era) and CE (Christian Era) rather than the conventional BC & AD to avoid any association with religious beliefs.

History Revisited

By Michael Roll

In 1936 George Orwell, the renowned author of the book "1984" said to his fellow writer, and chronicler of the Spanish Civil War, Arthur Koestler:

"I know it is the fashion to say that most of recorded history is lies anyway, but what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written."

It must have been about this date that Arthur Findlay set about the task of writing the true history of mankind from 3,500 BCE to the end of the Second World War, which he appropriately called The Curse of Ignorance. This history is written without allegiance to any country or religion and should be in every educational establishment in the world.

We Have not Been Told the Truth

The greatest historical lie of all has now been laid bare, our Western civilisation is not thanks to Christianity, the very opposite it true, our civilisation is in spite of Christianity. This fact was made very clear when the BBC showed the thirteen-part television series "Cosmos" in the early 1980's.

This was written and presented by the American astronomer Carl Sagan. This series was seen by millions of people throughout the world. Many were astounded to find that they had been deliberately deceived by their history teachers: that the truth is completely opposite to what they had been taught from birth. Carl Sagan told the shocking but true story of how in the year CE 415, a Christian mob, acting on the orders of Archbishop Cyril, murdered Hypatia, the female principal of the great library in Alexandria. This remarkable woman was a mathematician, astronomer, physicist and a philosopher. On her way to work she was dragged from her chariot and the mob, armed with abalone shells, flayed the flesh from her bones. Her library, along with its priceless manuscripts, was burnt to the ground. Cyril was made a saint! Unfortunately this was not an isolated incident but one small part of a carefully organised plan to eliminate paganism from the Roman Empire.

If we look up the history of education in the Encyclopedia Britannica it reads rather like a Western movie: the good guys (Christians) slowly but surely overcoming the bad guys (pagans). The same encyclopedia gives the definition of pagans as "unenlightened, idol worshipping, raw rustic heathens". Hypatia, along with all the brilliant Greek and Roman scientists, philosophers, engineers, architects and educationalists are always described as pagans in all our history books that are written by Christians.

An Explanation of the Universe

This includes Thales, the founder of geometry, astronomy and philosophy, the first to attempt an explanation of the universe apart from theology (religious mythology), and Pythagoras who was the father of mathematics and the first to say the world was round. This round earth theory was actually proved by Eratosthenes, he even measured its circumference in the 3rd century BCE. Hippocrates, the first person we would call by the name doctor, he approached the cure of disease in a truly scientific manner. He discarded the idea that illness was a punishment for sin or caused by devils. By the 3rd century BCE anatomy had revealed something of the internal workings of the human body. However, the Christian belief in the resurrection of the physical body brought investigation to an end until the 17th century. In the 4th century CE Pergamon and all the other Greek and Roman hospitals and sanatoria were destroyed by Christian fanatics, their doctors being massacred or exiled.

The Plagiarism of Copernicus

Aristarchus in the 3rd century BCE said that the Earth was not the centre of the universe, but revolved round the sun. The Roman Catholic priest Copernicus discovered this man's work in the 16th century and claimed it for his own. The reason why these ancient achievements have been censored is because our Christian masters do not want us to find out that anything important happened before the birth of their baby god!

Theodoras invented the key, ruler, carpenter's square, level, lathe and bronze casting. Carl Sagan asks, "Why are there no statues to this man?" Maybe it's because he did not kill anybody! Epicurus and Zeno, 3rd century BCE, two most illustrious moral philosophers, emphasised the need of improved ethical conduct and taught that only through right living could happiness be obtained. Anaximander 6th century BCE, the father of modern physics, also anticipated Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. He was followed by Anaxogaras who said that the moon was a place like the Earth and not a god.

The Discovery That Reality Also Exists in the Invisible

Empedocles discovered that reality also existed in the invisible part of the universe - beyond our five physical senses. Democritus propounded the theory that matter is composed of invisible stuff called atoms. He thought religions were divisive and evil. Archimedes' inventions led to practical scientific discoveries. Euclid taught people to think, calculate and reason. Ictinus was the great architect of the Parthenon. Socrates (470-399 BCE), this outstanding philosopher taught the unity of mankind and survival after death without any connection with priestcraft. Just before the priests forced him to take poison his friends asked him where he wanted to be buried, to which he answered, "Catch me if you can." Plato, who was taught by Socrates, passed on his great wisdom and codes of conduct to Aristotle, whom many declare to be the greatest early scientist of them all.

Quintillian (CE 35-96), a Roman citizen who led the known world in education on the lines laid down by Plato. He was the equivalent of our Secretary of State for Education, a government office that was not created until 1868 in Christian Britain. All the education bills had been kicked out by the House of Lords that had power over the elected House of Commons. This outstanding of all Roman schoolmasters loved liberty, justice and mercy besides abhorring all forms of cruelty and oppression. To him ethics took the place of religion as the only safe guide in correct conduct.

The World Plunged into the Christian Dark Ages

This then is the "pagan" civilisation that was destroyed by Christendom after the Council of Nicaea in CE 325. It was here at Nicaea that an all-embracing (Catholic) religion was formulated and adopted as the official religion of the Roman Empire. Jesus, an unhistorical Jewish teacher, was officially made into the god called Christ (the anointed one). The 17th saviour-god known to historians and the second person in a trinity of gods. Arthur Findlay says, "To confuse Jesus with Christ the saviour-god is a gross historical blunder." All who did not conform to these supernatural doctrines and dogmas were murdered or exiled. The known world was plunged into the Christian Dark Ages, not to really emerge again until the invention of printing which coincided with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Unlike the Christians, the Muslims had not destroyed their records of the Greek and Roman civilisations. From this date the human race has slowly but surely freed itself from the curse of priestcraft and ignorance. Even though the Holy Inquisitors of the Faith tried with all their might, these Christian fanatics could not murder fast enough to keep up with the printing presses. The smell of printers' ink was indeed the incense of the Renaissance.

The Council of Nicaea CE 325

CE 325 is arguably the most important date in the history of mankind because the decisions that were taken then by appallingly ignorant priests shaped the future of humankind for the next sixteen hundred years. Yet only a handful of academics are aware of this fact. It is not difficult to understand why Christian teachers and historians avoid this date like the plague. Before the Council of Nicaea historians estimate that there were over 150 different Christian sects all insisting that their own particular tenets were the correct ones. These fanatics were ripping the Roman Empire apart. We can now understand why the Roman Emperor Constantine the "Great" called this Council to formulate a Catholic (all-embracing) religion that everybody must adhere to or face death. Constantine was a cold-blooded murderer, he not only killed his wife, his son and his nephew but was responsible for ordering the death of thousands more. This Christian hero was great all right, a great killer. To check these facts look up Nicene Creed.

Christians Were Responsible for the Nazi Holocaust

The Martin Luther celebrations in 1997 highlighted some very uncomfortable facts that we are never taught at school. In 1524 during the Peasants’ Revolt, in tones indistinguishable from Hitler’s, Luther, the man who started the Protestant movement, incited the ruling princes to massacre the insurgents:

"A Prince can best obtain merit by shedding blood." He stated, "One must dash these people in pieces, slaughter them, stick them like pigs both in public and in private, whenever one gets the chance."

The resulting carnage left more than 100,000 dead. In 1543 Luther advised that the synagogues should be set on fire and Jewish homes likewise destroyed. Now we can understand why the Bishop of Birmingham, Dr. Hugh Montefiore, said that the Nazi Holocaust could never have taken place had it not been for the theological thinking of Christendom about Jews, and their ostracism by the Christians of Europe. I know it sounds daft now but the Christians blamed the Jews for murdering their god. Look up deicide in the dictionary: killing of a god! At his trial in 1946 the Nazi Jew-baiter, Julius Streicher, actually claimed that Luther ought to be in the dock. The Germans and Austrians are the same as most Irish people, they actually believe in priestcraft. Therefore it was very easy for Hitler to whip up hatred against the Jews.

Keeping the Old-Boy Network Intact

It is at this point that what seems to be ordinary priestly suppressions things suddenly take on a more sinister complexion and turn into an establishment conspiracy of awesome proportions. No doubt many readers are wondering why our country's academics have not seen these simple historical distortions. The sad answer is that every academic in this field of research knows we have been fed a pack of lies, and therefore they are just as guilty as the priests in censoring uncomfortable facts that belong to the people. For example, the headmaster of my grammar school had a first class honours degree in classics from Cambridge University. He made sure he told us nothing about the Greek and Roman scientists, philosophers and educationalists, just some nonsense about a virgin giving birth to the creator of the universe two thousand years ago, and that this god is going to forgive the sins of everybody who believes in him!

Thankfully not all our teachers are selfish bigots, there are many good people who care more about the future of humankind on this planet then merely preserving their jobs and reputations. A few are no longer prepared to live a lie and have decided to tell the truth.

Please help to make England a democracy — disestablish the Church, make the House of Lords an elected chamber, and do away with the Religious Affairs Departments in our schools, in television, radio and the press. The BBC for example takes about £10 million from our licence fee for religious propaganda. Try and name as many people as you can who have not ruthlessly used the Judaic-Christian ladder to get all the top positions. You will not find many in politics, among head teachers, owners of the press, television and radio stations, in the judiciary, armed forces and especially in the unelected House of Lords.


Sagan, Carl. "Cosmos".
First published in Great Britain in 1981 by Macdonald & Co. The soft back Futura edition ISBN 0 7088 19996 6

Findlay, Arthur. The Curse of Ignorance 1947.
Available from The Arthur Findlay College. Tel. 01279 817050.
The series ISBN 0 947823 32 8.
Volume 1: ISBN 0 947823 33 6.
Volume 2: ISBN 0 947823 34 4.
Findlay says if you must have this big daddy god figure to worship, why not have a whole stack of gods like the Greeks and Romans?
"It's the one-god religions that are easily the greatest disaster ever to be inflicted on the human race." - Gore Vidal


Related material on this site:

Blasphemous Libel - Letter from The Law Commission to Michael Roll (June 22, 1982)

Kenneth Griffith's documentary on Thomas Paine - The Most Valuable Englishman Ever. Somehow, this documentary crept past the BBC censors and was broadcast in 1982. All requests to the BBC for a repeat have so far been ignored.

Thomas Paine links

The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works.

This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived:

"Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."

Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths:

"One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."

Disestablishment of the Church of England - Letter from Roger Berry, MP for Kingswood, to Michael Roll (July 18, 2002)

Blasphemous Libel - Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Roger Berry, MP for Kingswood, July 2, 2002